Courtesy of LifeHacker and the Pulse app |
Mobile App News, Analysis and Reviews
AdMob Mobile Metrics (now out of date, but it was so great...)
Keep Up on Gadget Technology, Social Networking, Apple
For Developers and Designers (including aspiring ones) (in case you haven’t looked there yet) ( is useful for facts and stats, too)
DIY App Development
A Couple of Random Interesting Items:
A visualization of the “journey from development to monetization” from VisionMobile that was posted on an entry in readwriteweb in 2010:
Measuring app success from readwriteweb again in 2011:
TIP: While I just browse these resources sporadically these days, Lyle uses a news aggregator app to keep up to date on topics and resources of interest to us. An aggregator can show you dozens of front pages from various web sites and group them by topic. See this article by Alan Henry for some popular aggregators:
If you have any good resources to share, please mention them in the comments or send us an email at And, don’t forget to tell someone about SoDunked! and please go dunk someone today! Thanks.